Pet-Friendly Diwali at Karma Lakelands | Karma Lakelands
cat and dog embracing  each other

A Pet-Friendly Diwali at Karma Lakelands

As the festive season approaches, we tend to get busy with the preparations. This often takes our attention away from our pets, who probably need even more care during these times. Diwali is one such festival when our furry friends need us the most. While we enjoy the festival of lights and savour our favourite sweets, our pets unfortunately are at the receiving end of both sound and smoke pollution caused by the bursting of crackers and other fireworks.

Enjoy a pet-friendly Diwali at one of the most pet-friendly getaways near Delhi. Karma Lakelands offers the perfect escape that combines the joys of the festivities, with the assurance of the safety of your pets.

Nestled deep in nature, spanning around 300 acres, our pet-friendly spa resort in NCR has ample space for your four-legged friends to run around and explore! What’s more, this is far away from noisy crowds and firecrackers, allowing you to spend precious time with your pets. All that you need to make the best memories during your festive getaway is here at your disposal. We have vast lawns and nature trails where you can have a long walk and other adventures with your pet.

woman holding a large dog
a cat and a dog sitting in grass

While walking through the nature trails in the nearby thickets with your pets, you can also keep an eye out for the birds you might come across. Some of the birds that can be spotted here are Sparrows, Lapwings, Pheasants, Shikras, owls, Pied Wagtails, Jungle Babblers, kingfishers, Blue Jays, Lesser Cormorants, Mynahs, Green Pigeons, partridge, Koels and Hoopoes. If you’re an animal lover and haven’t brought a pet along, you can also pet the farm animals at one of Gurugram’s best pet-friendly spa resorts. Karma Lakelands also offers three accommodation options and five dining options to cater to everyone.

This Diwali, gift your pets peace and tranquillity. Spend a cracker-free, pollution-free and pet-friendly Diwali at Karma Lakelands. Contact us to know more about the offerings at our resort. Also read through Things To Do With Your Furry Friend On A Weekend to know more about the activities offered at our resort.

man hugging a dog