Experiences | Resorts in Gurgaon with Activities | Karma Lakelands

Experiences Karma Lakelands

Looking for an exhilarating activity-filled getaway? Karma Lakelands is one of the few resorts in Gurgaon that offer fun activities and games. Plan a day's visit and indulge in any of the following activities.

guests cycling at Karma Lakelands 3



Get on a bicycle or rent a fat bike to explore Karma Lakelands. Run, cycle and breathe in some fresh clean air that will boost your strength and endurance. These activities not only reduce your body fat, but also promotes a low carbon footprint.

tomatoes growing in our garden



In an attempt to encourage organic living, we have set up an in-house nursery and a kitchen garden. We provide you with the freshest produce possible.

a lotus flower



Meditation is a way to nourish and blossom the divine within you. In the Isha room, our in-house personnel will assist you with guided meditation to relax and experience the stillness of your inner self.

a rabbit being tended to at Karma Lakelands



Come and pet animals up close, show your love and learn some basic skills of life such as milking cows.


a colourful bird



Karma Lakelands is a bird watcher’s paradise. Sparrows, Lapwings, pheasants, Shikras, owls, Pied Wagtails, Jungle Babblers, kingfishers, Blue Jays, Lesser Cormorants, Mynahs, Green Pigeons, partridge, Koels and Hoopoes are some of the birds that can be spotted here.

children playing on swings



The kids playground has been specially designed to provide a safe, unique and fun-filled environment. Here kids can choose between various exhilarating activities and adults can work out in the open gym area to boost their fitness.

a lotus flower



Meditation is a way to nourish and blossom the divine within you. In the Isha room, our in-house personnel will assist you with guided meditation to relax and experience the stillness of your inner self.

people practising yoga



Every day at 7 AM in the summers and 7.30 AM in the winters, we huddle with folded hands and pray to the rising sun with a devotional song. In the evening, after the national anthem at 5 PM, we practise presence time, with the help of guided meditation at the Isha Room at 6.20 PM.

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